Tequila CAZADORES Extra Anejo 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

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Tequila CAZADORES Extra Anejo 750ml


$129.99 price per bottle

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Tequila CAZADORES Extra Anejo is the most aged tequila of the Cazadores family. Made with 100% highland blue Weber agave, this deep golden tequila liquor features vanilla flavor with notes of cinnamon, roasted apples and nutmeg. Whether you want to expand your tequila palate or enjoy a more genuine drinking experience with your family and friends, this extra anejo tequila can be sipped neat or mixed into easy alcohol drinks like on the rocks or a Mexican Chardonnay cocktail. Pair it with steak, pasta or flan to add to the festive experience. Production starts the day the agave is harvested and includes a two-stage fermentation process using a proprietary strain of yeast. It undergoes a double distillation process in small pot stills followed by aging in new American white oak barrels. Born in Los Altos and bottled in its purest form, CAZADORES is a proud Mexican tequila. Drink Responsibly.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW

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