Bluecoat American Dry Gin 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

Bluecoat American Dry Gin 750ml


$87.49 price per bottle

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Bluecoat American Dry Gin is handcrafted using a proprietary blend of 100% certified organic botanicals, highlighted by American citrus peels and a softer, rounder juniper berry, as well as angelica & coriander- making it uniquely different than the London dry style gins that have long dominated the market. The nose leads with refreshingly sweet aromatics, giving way to soft and earthy juniper notes. The body is intensely smooth with a complex depth of flavors that reveal themselves as they permeate the palate. The bright finish is exceptionally long and completes an experience that is incredibly pleasing to the senses. Distilled low in copper stills at his home in Philadelphia, the birthplace of American, it is bottled at 94 proof, allowing it to convey bright aromas and flavors, and stand up within a cocktail without being overshadowed.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW

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