Hine Rare Cognac VSOP 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

Hine Rare Cognac VSOP 750ml


$133.98 price per bottle

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Hine Rare is a blend that includes more than 25 different spirits from the Grande and Petite Champagne region. In our opinion this is a fantastic Congac that drinks like a much pricier bottle! TASTING NOTES- Jasmine, oak, and strong hints of vanilla. Fresh cream and toffee, full-bodied and as smooth as it gets. Long, smooth, dry, with a hint of nutmeg. Caramel, jasmine, nutmeg, dried fruit, vanilla, oak, smoky, ginger ale, barley.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW

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