1921 Tequila Anejo 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

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1921 Tequila Anejo 750ml


$128.98 price per bottle

A tequila with a shiny yellow amber look, result of careful aging in toasted oak barrels. Delectable bouquet and smoothness with outstanding honeyed sweetness, exquisite fruit, cocoa and citrus aromas combined with the pleasant tone of wood. The palate is spicy with a slightly smoky finish. Finely smooth and sweet with great emphasis on dried fruit and wood with a long and pleasant aftertaste. The Anejo is a bona fide relaxed pleasure from start to finish with an exceptional softness that seductively conquers your palate.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: IW

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