Don Julio 70th Anniversary Anejo Claro Tequila 750ml
$220.00 price per bottle
Don Julio 70 Anejo Claro Tequila is the culmination of 70 years of knowledge, expertise and innovation that brings the smoothness of a Blanco tequila and the complexity of an Anejo tequila together for a totally unique tequila experience. It is aged eighteen months in American white-oak barrels and then carefully filtered to bring out its crisp agave flavour. Crystal clear with smooth and light character, opening with citrus. Notes of vanilla, honey and toasted oak lead to a smooth lasting finish. Enjoy neat.
ABV: | 40.0% |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | Jalisco |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |