Sensi Moscato Rose 18k Sparkling Italy 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

Sensi Moscato Rose 18k Sparkling Italy 750ml


$88.49 price per bottle

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It’s fruity and fresh to the nose. Its aromatic quality elegantly blends with hints of raspberry, cherry and red berries. It has an intense and fragrant taste with alcohol, sweetness and acidity in perfect balance. Its aftertaste recalls the aroma of the original grapes combined with notes of raspberry and black cherry. Excellent dessert wine, accompanying fruit salads, cakes, pies and pastries filled. Convivial wine for any occasion at any time of day. Serve between 42º and 46ºF.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: RDY

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