Effen Rose Vodka 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

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Effen Rose Vodka 750ml


$73.99 price per bottle

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EFFEN Vodka starts with a foundation of 100% premium wheat from Northern France – a pure starch that leads to a silky smooth liquid. Then it is distilled continuously at temperatures below 85 degrees, creating a vodka with no traces of burnt sugar. After that, it’s filtered through a column of active carbon to deliver optimal filtration. Finally, it’s blended with pure spring water that has been purified through reverse osmosis, a process that creates technically perfect water, producing a clean, smooth vodka. EFFEN Rosé is a pink-colored vodka that is fresh, bright and tastes similar to classic rosé wines, especially once topped with soda.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: CDT

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