Aberlour A'Bunadh Cask Strength Highland Single Malt Scotch 750ml
$198.49 price per bottle
With each batch carefully made by hand, Aberlour A'bunadh is a unique cask strength whisky that has achieved cult status among whisky connoisseurs.
Meaning the original in Gaelic, A'bunadh is made in homage to Aberlour's founder, James Fleming, using only traditional methods without chill filtration or other modern processes.
The result is a heavier, creamier single malt than most have ever experienced memorably flavoursome, with an intense raisin character.
ABV: | 60.4% |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | BHW |