Ferguson Crest Fergalicious 750ml | Whisky Liquor Store

Ferguson Crest Fergalicious 750ml


$72.89 $65.59 price per bottle

Set at the highest point in Solvang and overlooking the splendor of the Santa Ynez Valley, Ferguson Crest is a family-run boutique winery devoted to producing top-quality varietals. Founded by Pat Ferguson and his daughter Fergie in 2006, the 6 acre estate winery excels in capturing the essence of Santa Barbara County terroir and reveals the Ferguson family’s uncommonly tender care of its much-treasured grapes. From the crisp, lush Viognier to the spicy and sumptuous Syrah, the winery’s bounty also evinces the ingenuity of Ferguson Crest winemaker Joey Tensley (a Food and Wine magazine award-winner whose Syrah’s have ranked in the Wine Spectator top 100). With its dedication to tending its vineyards through organic, sustainability-minded practices that help preserve the richness of the land, Ferguson Crest offers up a premier selection of varietals sure to delight those with a passion for exquisitely handcrafted wines.

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: 2014
Region: -
Size: 750 ml
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Distributed by: IW

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